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Bmw De Mexico,S.A.De C.V.

US Customs records for Bmw De Mexico,S.A.De C.V..
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Bmw De Mexico,S.A.De C.V. Records
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Updated: 2023-06-26
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2006-11-01 - 2023-07-12
Total shipments from 2006-11-01 to 2023-07-12
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  • Bremerhaven
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  • Rotterdam
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Sample Shipment From Bmw De Mexico,S.A.De C.V.
Bill of Lading CMDUHBG1758532
Arrival Date: 2023-06-26
Container Number: CMAU7393455
Cargo #1
Description CLIENT ORIGINALLY REQUESTED FOR WAYBILL 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 77 KGM 806 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 207 KGM 2266 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 204 KGM 2371 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 230 KGM 2439 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 225 KGM 2196 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 225 KGM 2196 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 209 KGM 2089 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 48 KGM 576 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 144 KGM 1567 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 153 KGM 1954 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 209 KGM 2045 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 205 KGM 2304 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 227 KGM 2289 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 193 KGM 2102 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 190 KGM 2111 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 181 KGM 1893 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 194 KGM 1893 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 194 KGM 1893 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 198 KGM 2164 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 253 KGM 2406 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 208 KGM 2254 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS 870899 (HS) ON 1 PALLETS 213 KGM 2035 DMQ NCM:23DE560307644910E2 BMW SERVICE PARTS FREIGHT PREPAID
Keywords client originally requested waybill HS-Code DATA UNAVAILABLE Piece Count 22
Length 480 Height 108
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal ISG297050 Equipment Description CN
Type 40 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Type of Service House to House
Container Type 40 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Marks & Numbers 1904001633260 1904001633246 1904001633250 1904001633251 1904001633254 1904001633255 1904001633257 1904001633259,1904001633261 1904001633268 1904001633266 1904001633244 1904001633252 1904001633253 1904001633256 1904001633262,1904001633263 1904001633264 1904001633265 1904001633267 1904001633269 1904001633258
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