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Crane Worldwide Logistics-cmh

US Customs records for Crane Worldwide Logistics-cmh in Groveport. See their past imports and exports, including shipments from Crane Worldwide Logistics - Del, a supplier based in India.
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Crane Worldwide Logistics-cmh Records
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Updated: 2023-07-14
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2006-11-01 - 2023-07-14
Total shipments from 2006-11-01 to 2023-07-14
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Sample Shipment From Crane Worldwide Logistics-cmh
Bill of Lading HLCUDE1230555517
Arrival Date: 2023-07-14
Container Number: NIDU5184806
Cargo #1
Description AUTO PARTS 44 BOXES CONTAINING AUTO PARTS. INV. NOS. E234100122 13.05.2023 E234100141 18.05.2023 E238300058 12.05.2023 E239400103 10.05.2023 E239400105 11.05.2023 E239400118 17.05.2023 E234500261 17.05.2023 E232500561 16.05.2023 E238300061 16.05.2023 E238300034 28.04.2023 E232500544 15.05.2023 E232000021 18.05.2023 E232500543 15.05.2023 E238300056 12.05.2023 E232500542 15.05.2023 SHIPPING BILL NO 1050258 16.05.2023 1143449 19.05.2023 1045470 16.05.2023 9956635 11.05.2023 1050263 16.05.2023 1126603 19.05.2023 1126600 19.05.2023 1116943 18.05.2023 1178770 21.05.2023 9911331 10.05.2023 1199172 22.05.2023 1182486 22.05.2023 1093272 17.05.2023 1045404 16.05.2023 1093257 17.05.2023 IEC NO. 0598003851 HS CODE 40093100 NET WT. 6618.950 KGS SCAC MLCW HBL DELH10013703 FREIGHT COLLECT & THC PREPAID
Keywords auto parts parts. inv. HS-Code DATA UNAVAILABLE Piece Count 44
Width DATA UNAVAILABLE Load Status Loaded
Seal 187928, 3321528 Equipment Description 4B
Type DATA UNAVAILABLE Type of Service Pier to House
Container Type DATA UNAVAILABLE Marks & Numbers TOTAL 44 BOXES 01 TO 44 . . . . . .,. . . . . . .,. . . . . . .,. . . . . . .,. . . . . . .,.
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