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Distribuciones Industriales

US Customs records for Distribuciones Industriales.
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Distribuciones Industriales Records
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Updated: 2023-06-24
Total Shipments
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2006-11-01 - 2023-06-25
Total shipments from 2006-11-01 to 2023-06-25
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  • Tampico
  • Southhampton
  • Tilbury
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  • Antwerp
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Sample Shipment From Distribuciones Industriales
Bill of Lading HLCUIZ1NE00255AA
Arrival Date: 2023-06-24
Container Number: FANU1992273
Cargo #1
Description ALKYD RESINS HS CODE 390750 IMO 3 IMO CLASS 3 UN1866
Keywords alkyd resins HS-Code HS CODE 3907 5000 Piece Count 30
Length 480 Height 108
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal LB0093643 Equipment Description CN
Type 40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length Type of Service House to House
Container Type 40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length,40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length,40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length,40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length Marks & Numbers NO MARKS . . .,NO MARKS . . .,NO MARKS . . .,NO MARKS . . .
Container Number: HLBU1680951
Cargo #1
Description ALKYD RESINS HS CODE 390750 IMO 3 IMO CLASS 3 UN1866
Keywords alkyd resins HS-Code HS CODE 3907 5000 Piece Count 30
Length 480 Height 108
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal LB0093667 Equipment Description CN
Type 40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length Type of Service House to House
Container Type 40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length,40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length,40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length,40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length Marks & Numbers NO MARKS . . .,NO MARKS . . .,NO MARKS . . .,NO MARKS . . .
Container Number: HLBU1584808
Cargo #1
Description ALKYD RESINS HS CODE 390750 IMO 3 IMO CLASS 3 UN1866
Keywords alkyd resins HS-Code HS CODE 3907 5000 Piece Count 30
Length 480 Height 108
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal LB0093631 Equipment Description CN
Type 40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length Type of Service House to House
Container Type 40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length,40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length,40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length,40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length Marks & Numbers NO MARKS . . .,NO MARKS . . .,NO MARKS . . .,NO MARKS . . .
Container Number: DRYU9561371
Cargo #1
Description ALKYD RESINS HS CODE 390750 IMO 3 IMO CLASS 3 UN1866
Keywords alkyd resins HS-Code HS CODE 3907 5000 Piece Count 30
Length 480 Height 108
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal LB0093674 Equipment Description CN
Type 40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length Type of Service House to House
Container Type 40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length,40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length,40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length,40 Foot Ventilated Container, Passive vents at upper part of cargo space. Total vent cross-section area < 25cm2/m of nominal length Marks & Numbers NO MARKS . . .,NO MARKS . . .,NO MARKS . . .,NO MARKS . . .
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