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Molenbergnatie N.V.

US Customs records for Molenbergnatie N.V..
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Molenbergnatie N.V. Records
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Updated: 2023-06-28
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2006-11-01 - 2023-06-28
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Sample Shipment From Molenbergnatie N.V.
Bill of Lading CMDUMXO0647427
Arrival Date: 2023-06-28
Container Number: TLLU2825922
Cargo #1
Description OF GREEN COFFEE BEANS NET WEIGHT: 19,320 KGS HS CODE: 09011199
Keywords green coffee beans HS-Code HS CODE 0901 1199 Piece Count 280
Length 240 Height 102
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal 61085, H7355707 Equipment Description CN
Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Type of Service Pier to Pier
Container Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Marks & Numbers LOT: 23.016-2222-0585 BATCH 1899917 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69982721`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0590 BATCH 1899916 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920588`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0587 BATCH 1899919 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69973190`010`01,LOT:23.016-2222-0583 BATCH 1899914 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69975913`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0584 BATCH 1899915 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007999`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0582 BATCH 1899913 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006891`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0588 BATCH 1899920 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007615`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0581 BATCH 1899912 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006890`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0589 BATCH 1899921 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920587`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0586 BATCH 1899918 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007614`010`01
Container Number: CMAU3103033
Cargo #1
Keywords green coffee beans HS-Code HS CODE 0901 1199 Piece Count 280
Length 240 Height 102
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal 61090, H7355706 Equipment Description CN
Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Type of Service Pier to Pier
Container Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Marks & Numbers LOT: 23.016-2222-0585 BATCH 1899917 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69982721`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0590 BATCH 1899916 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920588`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0587 BATCH 1899919 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69973190`010`01,LOT:23.016-2222-0583 BATCH 1899914 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69975913`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0584 BATCH 1899915 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007999`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0582 BATCH 1899913 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006891`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0588 BATCH 1899920 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007615`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0581 BATCH 1899912 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006890`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0589 BATCH 1899921 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920587`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0586 BATCH 1899918 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007614`010`01
Container Number: TEMU5239610
Cargo #1
Description OF GREEN COFFEE BEANS NET WEIGHT: 19,320 KGS HS CODE: 09011199
Keywords green coffee beans HS-Code HS CODE 0901 1199 Piece Count 280
Length 240 Height 102
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal 61087, H7355705 Equipment Description CN
Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Type of Service Pier to Pier
Container Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Marks & Numbers LOT: 23.016-2222-0585 BATCH 1899917 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69982721`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0590 BATCH 1899916 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920588`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0587 BATCH 1899919 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69973190`010`01,LOT:23.016-2222-0583 BATCH 1899914 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69975913`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0584 BATCH 1899915 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007999`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0582 BATCH 1899913 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006891`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0588 BATCH 1899920 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007615`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0581 BATCH 1899912 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006890`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0589 BATCH 1899921 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920587`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0586 BATCH 1899918 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007614`010`01
Container Number: CMAU0435559
Cargo #1
Description OF GREEN COFFEE BEANS NET WEIGHT: 19,320 KGS HS CODE: 09011199
Keywords green coffee beans HS-Code HS CODE 0901 1199 Piece Count 280
Length 240 Height 102
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal 61083, H7355669 Equipment Description CN
Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Type of Service Pier to Pier
Container Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Marks & Numbers LOT: 23.016-2222-0585 BATCH 1899917 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69982721`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0590 BATCH 1899916 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920588`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0587 BATCH 1899919 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69973190`010`01,LOT:23.016-2222-0583 BATCH 1899914 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69975913`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0584 BATCH 1899915 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007999`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0582 BATCH 1899913 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006891`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0588 BATCH 1899920 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007615`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0581 BATCH 1899912 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006890`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0589 BATCH 1899921 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920587`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0586 BATCH 1899918 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007614`010`01
Container Number: CMAU0853570
Cargo #1
Length 240 Height 102
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal 61084, H7355665 Equipment Description CN
Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Type of Service Pier to Pier
Container Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Marks & Numbers LOT: 23.016-2222-0585 BATCH 1899917 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69982721`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0590 BATCH 1899916 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920588`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0587 BATCH 1899919 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69973190`010`01,LOT:23.016-2222-0583 BATCH 1899914 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69975913`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0584 BATCH 1899915 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007999`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0582 BATCH 1899913 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006891`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0588 BATCH 1899920 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007615`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0581 BATCH 1899912 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006890`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0589 BATCH 1899921 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920587`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0586 BATCH 1899918 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007614`010`01
Container Number: TRHU1126100
Cargo #1
Description OF GREEN COFFEE BEANS NET WEIGHT: 19,320 KGS HS CODE: 09011199
Keywords green coffee beans HS-Code HS CODE 0901 1199 Piece Count 280
Length 240 Height 102
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal 61082, H7355670 Equipment Description CN
Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Type of Service Pier to Pier
Container Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Marks & Numbers LOT: 23.016-2222-0585 BATCH 1899917 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69982721`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0590 BATCH 1899916 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920588`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0587 BATCH 1899919 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69973190`010`01,LOT:23.016-2222-0583 BATCH 1899914 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69975913`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0584 BATCH 1899915 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007999`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0582 BATCH 1899913 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006891`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0588 BATCH 1899920 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007615`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0581 BATCH 1899912 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006890`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0589 BATCH 1899921 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920587`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0586 BATCH 1899918 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007614`010`01
Container Number: TEMU1274887
Cargo #1
Description OF GREEN COFFEE BEANS NET WEIGHT: 19,320 KGS HS CODE: 09011199
Keywords green coffee beans HS-Code HS CODE 0901 1199 Piece Count 280
Length 240 Height 102
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal 61088, H7355708 Equipment Description CN
Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Type of Service Pier to Pier
Container Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Marks & Numbers LOT: 23.016-2222-0585 BATCH 1899917 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69982721`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0590 BATCH 1899916 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920588`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0587 BATCH 1899919 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69973190`010`01,LOT:23.016-2222-0583 BATCH 1899914 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69975913`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0584 BATCH 1899915 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007999`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0582 BATCH 1899913 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006891`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0588 BATCH 1899920 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007615`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0581 BATCH 1899912 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006890`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0589 BATCH 1899921 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920587`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0586 BATCH 1899918 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007614`010`01
Container Number: TCKU1041999
Cargo #1
Description OF GREEN COFFEE BEANS NET WEIGHT: 19,320 KGS HS CODE: 09011199
Keywords green coffee beans HS-Code HS CODE 0901 1199 Piece Count 280
Length 240 Height 102
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal 61081, H7355705 Equipment Description CN
Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Type of Service Pier to Pier
Container Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Marks & Numbers LOT: 23.016-2222-0585 BATCH 1899917 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69982721`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0590 BATCH 1899916 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920588`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0587 BATCH 1899919 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69973190`010`01,LOT:23.016-2222-0583 BATCH 1899914 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69975913`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0584 BATCH 1899915 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007999`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0582 BATCH 1899913 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006891`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0588 BATCH 1899920 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007615`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0581 BATCH 1899912 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006890`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0589 BATCH 1899921 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920587`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0586 BATCH 1899918 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007614`010`01
Container Number: TRHU1174990
Cargo #1
Description OF GREEN COFFEE BEANS NET WEIGHT: 19,320 KGS HS CODE: 09011199
Keywords green coffee beans HS-Code HS CODE 0901 1199 Piece Count 280
Length 240 Height 102
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal 61089, H7355704 Equipment Description CN
Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Type of Service Pier to Pier
Container Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Marks & Numbers LOT: 23.016-2222-0585 BATCH 1899917 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69982721`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0590 BATCH 1899916 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920588`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0587 BATCH 1899919 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69973190`010`01,LOT:23.016-2222-0583 BATCH 1899914 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69975913`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0584 BATCH 1899915 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007999`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0582 BATCH 1899913 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006891`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0588 BATCH 1899920 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007615`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0581 BATCH 1899912 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006890`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0589 BATCH 1899921 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920587`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0586 BATCH 1899918 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007614`010`01
Container Number: CMAU0712191
Cargo #1
Description 280 BAGS OF GREEN COFFEE BEANS NET WEIGHT: 19,320 KGS HS CODE: 09011199
Keywords green coffee beans HS-Code HS CODE 0901 1199 Piece Count 280
Length 240 Height 102
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal 61086, H7355666 Equipment Description CN
Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Type of Service Pier to Pier
Container Type 20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end,20 Foot Dry Container, Opening at one or both end Marks & Numbers LOT: 23.016-2222-0585 BATCH 1899917 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69982721`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0590 BATCH 1899916 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920588`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0587 BATCH 1899919 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69973190`010`01,LOT:23.016-2222-0583 BATCH 1899914 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69975913`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0584 BATCH 1899915 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007999`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0582 BATCH 1899913 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006891`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0588 BATCH 1899920 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007615`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0581 BATCH 1899912 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70006890`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0589 BATCH 1899921 CK: 9200104822`010`45 69920587`010`01,LOT: 23.016-2222-0586 BATCH 1899918 CK: 9200104822`010`45 70007614`010`01
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