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Terminales Portuarios Peruanos Sac

US Customs records for Terminales Portuarios Peruanos Sac, a supplier based in Peru. See their past imports and exports, including shipments to Key Logistics Group Llc in Miami, Florida.
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Terminales Portuarios Peruanos Sac Records
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Updated: 2023-05-08
Total Shipments
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2006-11-01 - 2023-05-18
Total shipments from 2006-11-01 to 2023-05-18
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  • Supplier Shipments

Top Ports
  • New York, New York
  • New York/Newark Area, Newark, New Jersey
  • Houston, Texas
  • Savannah, Georgia
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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Sample Shipment From Terminales Portuarios Peruanos Sac
Bill of Lading COSU6354939240
Arrival Date: 2023-05-08
Container Number: BSIU3112676
Cargo #1
Description LARGE LIMAS
Keywords large limas HS-Code DATA UNAVAILABLE Piece Count 20
Length 240 Height 102
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal 004VA395911 Equipment Description 2B
Type 20 Foot General Purpose Container, Openings at one or both ends Type of Service Pier to Pier
Container Type 20 Foot General Purpose Container, Openings at one or both ends,20 Foot General Purpose Container, Openings at one or both ends Marks & Numbers CNTR 2: BSIU3112676 SEAL 1: 004VA395911 SEAL 2: 23780485,CNTR 1: TLLU2692820 SEAL 1: 004VA395912 SEAL 2: 23780486
Container Number: TLLU2692820
Cargo #1
Description LARGE LIMAS
Keywords large limas HS-Code DATA UNAVAILABLE Piece Count 20
Length 240 Height 102
Width 96 Load Status Loaded
Seal 004VA395912 Equipment Description 2B
Type 20 Foot General Purpose Container, Openings at one or both ends Type of Service Pier to Pier
Container Type 20 Foot General Purpose Container, Openings at one or both ends,20 Foot General Purpose Container, Openings at one or both ends Marks & Numbers CNTR 2: BSIU3112676 SEAL 1: 004VA395911 SEAL 2: 23780485,CNTR 1: TLLU2692820 SEAL 1: 004VA395912 SEAL 2: 23780486
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