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Thanks for your interest in ImportGenius

Get in touch with a global trade data specialist today.

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Scottsdale, Arizona
Toll Free: 855-573-9976
Shanghai, China
Mobile No.: +86-13671737628
Seoul, Republic of Korea

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What data do you provide?

    ImportGenius gives you access to shipping manifests for all ocean freight entering and exiting the United States.

    The ocean freight shipping manifest is a public record in the United States, so we’ve built easy-to-use search tools to make finding exactly what you’re looking for simple.

    Search for any company or product and we’ll show you all matching shipments. This will give you deep operational insights into the trading activities of competitors, customers, and more.

  • Where do you get this information?

    We license our data from a variety of sources including records from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, other government agencies, non-profit organizations and partnerships with private data services.

  • How can your service benefit my company?

    The ways your company can benefit will depend on what type of business you run:

    • American companies can use our service to identify suppliers exporting into the U.S. and shippers importing from the U.S.
    • Overseas factories use our data to find buyers in the U.S. already purchasing similar products.
    • Customs brokers and logistics companies use ImportGenius to uncover American businesses that can use their transportation services.
    • Asset managers use our service to gauge the operating health of companies with much shorter lags than typical quarterly reporting.
    • Law firms use our service to identify and quantify intellectual property violations against their clients.
    • The real question is: How will you use ImportGenius.com? Contact us today at +1-855-374-1199 to find out how we can help your business.
  • Do you only provide American data?

    No. We offer import and export data for Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, India, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Russia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam

    For more information on each country please call +1-855-374-1199.

  • Can I find out where my competitors are sourcing their products?

    For most countries our users are able to view exactly which factories overseas supply each of their ocean freight shipments. You can run free searches on Importgenius.com/search for the company you’re interested in to make sure they're in our database. If you still can’t find the company you’re searching for you can schedule a demo here to get more information on our product services.

  • Can we download the reports?

    Yes. You can download the results of any search in either Microsoft Excel (XLS and XLSX) or Comma Separated Values (CSV) formats.

  • Can I get air import data?

    No. Unfortunately more of the countries data offered air data are not considered public records under law so ImportGenius is not able to access these data nor make them easily accessible as we do with ocean.

  • Where can I get additional help with using this system?

    Every ImportGenius client has a dedicated account manager who is available to help answer questions and provide trainings to help you become more efficient with using our search application. You can contact us 24/7 by:

    Phone: +1-855-374-1199

    Live chat here.

    Our goal here at ImportGenius is to provide world class service by educating clients on how to make smarter international trade decisions in order to grow and succeed in business by utilizing our exciting technology.

  • Is this legal?

    Yes. All data provided by ImportGenius is either public record or legally obtained proprietary data. Maritime records have been public for decades, it just took the power of ImportGenius to transform this data into digestible information.